Sunday, November 22, 2009


I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately - it's been my birthday weekend as well as my sister's and so it's been quite hectic! But here I am!

Last night, I watched the french movie "Amélie", I believe it's also quite well known here too though. This movie really got me thinking about the little details of life, the habits and little things we all do. Each of us has our own special quirk, a small action or thought that is reoccuring and often go by unnoticed. Whether it be like Amélie - who enjoys the sensation of dipping her hand into a sack of tiny beans, or like her neighbour - who recreates the same painting over and over again. When you have your eyes open to these sorts of things, they are easy to spot. For exmaple, the lady that often comes onto the same bus as I'm on, who goes straight to the back and asks people to give up their seats every single time. There's also the boy who, unintentionally - is in the background of every single picture taken at a party. And then there's my sister, whenever she gets her hands on my camera, she takes a close up, upside down shot of her eye. These are things that are easy to notice when you allow yourself to observe.

But the most interesting habits, are the ones you can find in yourself. I for one, have noticed that every single night, before going to bed, I put my flowery ring, my cell phone, and my ipod onto the side table - and they're in the same spot each time. Another habit of mine is to leave every candy in a package except one - there's still one ferrero rocher in very center of the box on my desk. Also, while every one else on the bus is listening to their ipods or reading their books, I am busy observing what's going on around me. Whether this makes me simply observant or creepish, I'm still not sure.
So tell me, what are your interesting quirks or habits?

1 comment:

  1. i love amelie!

    it rocks!

    :) i also quite like your blog ;) BLOGGER CRUSH!



your comments make me smile nice and wide ♥