Sunday, November 8, 2009

7 things about myself

I have been tagged!!
My very first blog tag, it's quite exciting! I feel so... initiated into the blogging world, so thank you Janice! Ahaha, well I think this should lead straight into my number one fact.
(The idea is that you write 7 things about you, and then tag 7 other bloggers)

1. My excitement levels go up quite easily, especially on bright sunny days where it feels nearly impossible to be down.

2. I wish I could be so many things when I grow up; an author, a photographer, a journalist, an illustrator, an actress, a super star fashion designer, a teacher, an art therapist, and sometimes I even think being a lawyer would be cool. Too bad I can only really choose one...

3. Contrary to the more common commitment issues, my commitment to PEOPLE is phenomenal (not to brag of course,) but my commitment to projects, school clubs, after school activities, etc, is downright awful. I'm doing better this year though, much better.

4. Lately I have come to believe that my heart is a camera, and that I am born a photographer, because I've been seeing potential photographs every where I look, resulting in a camera full of photos, most of which disappoint me anyway.

5. Music is magic to me. There are some songs that can bring me right into their little worlds, complete with colours and movement and feelings. I love those songs.

6. I'm dying to grow up, but at the same time I'm a two year old at heart. I wish I could still enjoy playing pretend, and enjoy avoiding the lakes of lava that overcome my basement as I hop from chair to wood block to sofa to get away from it. I was a lion back then, and sometimes a panda or a deer even.

7. I live in my very own, twisted, fairy tale. My imagination is strange, I find the image of a girl with deer antlers so beautiful, and the woman with an elephant's head enticing. Sometimes I feel this makes me weird, and that when people see my drawings they'll find me weird. But I love it, and so far no one has found me weird enough to stop talking to me, so I must be doing something right!

So, I don't know who to tag, because I don't think I know seven bloggers yet, but I'll find seven eventually, and post them here :)

photo taken and (c) by me, Katia.


  1. thank you tia, you are so magical :)

    ohhhhhhh dear!
    it's 4:04AM where i am right now, have been trying to do homework all night, but i'll never finish
    so i cannot go to school tomorrow!
    i swear i have never stayed up this late!
    so, sleepy times for me now!

  2. "I wish I could still enjoy playing pretend, and enjoy avoiding the lakes of lava that overcome my basement as I hop from chair to wood block to sofa to get away from it."


your comments make me smile nice and wide ♥