Friday, February 12, 2010

Cinnamon Hearts

I learned the hard way that cinnamon hearts should not be eaten while suffering from a sore throat. Neither should Fruitopia, it stings!
Sore throat you may say? (or you may not, either way) Well, my school's Semi Formal was last night! It was an absolute blast, especially since I met my boyfriend at last year's semi. It was like reliving the night, only problem was it amped my cold - so my throat is now sore as hell, all the cheering probably didn't help either! However, the night was wonderful and my emergency dress turned out to be better than my original dress! Here are some pictures (sorry for the bad quality, I used a disposable so I have to wait to get the pictures developed, so I got these off facebook for now!)
Here you can see the sequin details

Felipe and I ♥

The full dress + shoes, my face stunk in this picture though

Usually I'd just leave my hair down, but I managed to put it up in some sort of twist bun wrap thing, and it stayed up all night! I was proud.
Anyway, I've realised my blog's somewhat changed from a more "writing" based blog to a "my life/fashion" bog, I'm wondering if I should seperate the two? Any opinions would be great :)

ps. I opted for natural lips, no red. Thought I'd let the dress hog all the attention!


  1. Your hair looks really really pretty! :)

  2. Oh wow really like your dress but especially the way you did your hair , I am jealous ^_^

  3. Your hair looks so gorgeous! I love pretty updos that actually last.
    And I don't think you should separate the two. After all, it is everything that you put into this blog that makes it what it is.

  4. your (i mean MY phtos) make me smile nice and wide too :)

    You look great as a deer :D


your comments make me smile nice and wide ♥