Monday, February 1, 2010

Rawr like a Rhino

I painted this baby rhino (that is why there is not much of a horn!) yesterday. I had originally planned on painting an owl, but when I went to google to look for reference images I typed in rhino instead of owl. I've wanted to draw/paint one for a while so I finally have!

Here's a webcam image of it (not so great quality, I apologize).

(copyright copyright copyright copyright because I'm paranoid about that kinda thing!)

I went to the dollar store and found this incredibly cute notebook with blank pages. It's beautiful, and it's got this kinda off white paper that looks almost vintage (of course it's not, it's just cheap... but who cares?!). Im going to use it for my inspiration notebook/drawing/doodles.

There's something about a beautiful notebook that makes me want to fill it up. The only journal I've been able to use for longer than year is one I decorated myself and lovveee. The empty pages feel like a waste, and so I fill them up with pretty things and magazine clippings and poems. I can fit the new notebook in my purse, so I could carry it around and doodle when I get an idea for anything. Who knwos? Maybe if things turn out prettily I'll post some pages here!


  1. You are very talented! I would never have been able to draw and paint something like that.
    Hopefully it does turn out pretty so you can show the rest of us :)

  2. WOW such an amazing painting. You are so artisitic. :) Im more of the charcoal lover so paints never do me well. Hehehe. I happen to have a notebook too but rather a fat one, its more of an art journal. I posted some pictures of it in my blog. :) I totally believe in having something, whether it be a small simple notebook or an expensive one, as long as you can write, draw and doodle in it. :) Can't wait to see pictures of it in the future. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, dear. I like yours so I added you to my blogroll. :)


your comments make me smile nice and wide ♥